The Man I Am



I guess if anyone is to read this

I should give some perspective on this man

And who I am

I try to build up every one I touch

I give my all

And sometimes don’t hold back enough

Its my nature

Its what I was born to do

I have learned not to fight myself

You should too

I live my life the best I can

I try to be the best lover

Husband, Father and Friend

I live my life in love and light

I try my best to be the best

I am the man trying to put an S on his chest

I have a unique perspective

And to be so young

I have lived

Its not over

It gets better yet

I have experienced lots of heartbreak

Tragedy and death

And just when I think the tank is empty

And I have nothing left

That is when I rise to be my best

I try not to judge

I try my best to love

But some things make me wonder

I often look around and ponder

Some call that a daydream

But I am not in a daze

This is just how it seems

I am always fully aware

When I enter a space

I am all the way there

I often change

And still I remain the same

I am the seed the grows through rain

When the math does not add up

I adapt

I do not always exactly follow the steps

But I always finish

I do not enter a room

Unless I am trying to win it

Carl Johnson II (CarlTheMuse)

Carl The Muse

© 2012 Carl The Muse

CarlTheMuse on Twitter

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This blog contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized sale or use of this material is prohibited without express written permission from the author / publisher

3 thoughts on “The Man I Am

  1. lamostz says:

    I have nominated you with regards to the Liebster Award. You are on my blog, hope that you enjoy.

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